The Activity
The legal form of the Enguri Hydropower Plant is a limited liability company. The founding partner is the state represented by the Ministry of Economics and Sustainable Development of Georgia. Accordingly, the share of the state in the capital of Enguri LTD is 100%.
The main activity of the Enguri Hydropower Plant is the production and realization of electricity. Currently, the plant operates reliably and properly. Its contribution to the country’s power supply is more than 35%. In the 45 years of its existence, the Enguri Hydropower plant has generated more than 130 billion kWh of electricity. In 2015, by the decree of the Government of Georgia, the Enguri HPP arch dam was awarded the status of a cultural heritage monument.
Enguri HPP is a guarantee for Georgia's energy independence. We can say without any doubt, that the Georgian power system can not function without Enguri HPP and if it does, only with high costs. It is worth to mention, that the Enguri HPP is a unique construction and the same size Hydropower plant can not be built in the future. The main reason for this is the lack of appropriate physical-geographical conditions.
The Enguri HPP has a special state significance along with the weighty energy importance. This is the only place, where Georgians and Abkhazians work together as the importance of the joint operation of the plant is well understood by both sides. Obviously, the Enguri HPP is the basis of the country's energy potential. On its steadfastness and full work is based the country's energy system and the degree of energy independence.